30 May 2005
since i last talk to you i pretty much have just been settling in. nothing really exciting has happened that i can remember. wake up, get on the internet, study russian, go downtown(there is always something to-do, maybe just not picture worthy). but this weekend was my birthday weekend and it was also kiev day. kiev is a little over 1500 years old. it is the oldest slavic city and one of the oldest in europe. so they have a good reason to have a street festival and fireworks. they seem to have a reason every weekend really. on kiev day they always have the final game for the cup of ukraine. the cup of ukraine is a tournament style bracket that invites all teams in ukraine, no matter what level, to play in. so the final was shakhtar vs. kiev dynamo, naturally the two top teams in ukraine. this happens also to be a very political game because dynamo, the team i am trying to follow, has a fan base around yushenko, the current president brought to power from the orange (peaceful)revolution. shakhtar, based out of donetsk a mining town, has a fan and administration base around yanakovich, the ousted president. but not much happened between the fans that i saw. there were plenty of hooligans though. dynamo won 1-0! after the game, we went down to krishatik to the street festival. here are some pictures from both.
19 May 2005
17 May 2005
since then we have done some other stuff, but i forgot the card in my camera so i have no pictures. we went to a metal show of 8 bands for about $1.25. there were some really good bands but i got too drunk and forgot all their names. also we celebrated a friend’s birthday and went to his dacha (country house). we sat around and had vodka and k-bobs. tomorrow we should be getting our train tickets to bulgaria. this weekend is a big eurovision festival downtown, and we are going to check that out. i will definitely have pictures of that. we are also going to buy tickets this weekend for the ukrainian soccer championship between the kiev dinamo and the shahtyor miners. that should be a blast. until next time!!
i encourage people to put comments on the entries and photos. i would like to hear from you guys!!
the weather is a bit cold here, i would say around 15 or so. it is definitely jacket weather. but everything is in full bloom. here are some pictures at lyala’s mom’s house of cherry trees.
on may 3rd i said my goodbyes and left for the airport. i had meeshka and a ton of luggage with me. i have to admit that i was a bit nervous. moving out of the little place that i have lived in my whole life. after the traditional sam adams at the airport bar before i leave, the plane leaves on time. goodbye charlotte!!!!